Erasmus+ KA171 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Training (STT) is a mobility activity that supports the professional development of administrative staff in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organization in the program countries.
Erasmus+ KA171 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Training (STT) might include a variety of activities such as job shadowing and International Staff Weeks organized by the partner universities (Important Note: Conference participations are not accepted as training activity within the framework of Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Mobility for Training).
1. Geographical Framework:
Erasmus+ extends beyond Europe, allowing for mobility from and to other parts of the world (between 33 Program and 84 Partner Countries). Program Countries are those countries participating fully in the Erasmus+ program. Turkey is one of the 33 Program Countries. Partner Countries cover the rest of the world outside the European Union.
2. Partner Universities and Application Period:
For each call of Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Mobility for Training, the list of countries/partner universities are updated in accordance with the Program budget allocated to METU. Countries as well as partner lists that can be granted change every year within the framework of the Program budget allocated by Turkish National Agency.
International Cooperations Office (ICO) announces the application deadlines and procedures at least 20 days prior to applications. Announcements are made through ICO website and e-mails. Administrative staff who would like to make application are advised to check ICO website and e-mails regularly.
Application Period: 15 September- 30 October
To learn more about the latest application call and its results, you can visit the website below:
3. Application Requirements:
- Applicants must be a member of METU and they must actively work at the time of application,
- Applicants are expected to get in touch with the preferred HEI (from the list) and receive an acceptance letter (or e-mail) prior to the application deadline. Applications of those candidates who have not received pre-admission will not be evaluated in the selection process. Those applicants who will apply for more than one HEI must receive acceptance letter (or e-mail) for each of their choices. You can find a draft for pre-admission letter for your use attached,
- All applications, selections and placements are carried out online and through E-Devlet Career Gate platform initiated by the Turkish National Agency. Application documents should not be physically transmitted, but only uploaded to the relevant section of the Application Portal.
- You can find the details about the application portal in the User Guide.
4. Selection Criteria:
To find more information on the application criteria used in the Erasmus+ KA107 STT applications, please see the document attached.
5. Duration of the Activities:
According to KA171 program rules, duration of training mobility ranges from 5 days to 2 months (max.) excluding travel time. However, as the Program budget allocated to METU changes every year, the maximum duration of the training mobility may subject to change. In order to learn the exact durations, applicants need to check the list of available budget/quota for each country, which will be specifically announced in each application call.
For those countries which have a budget to support more than one week, it may be possible to allocate the whole budget for one administrative staff, if there is only one applicant. In case of having more than one application, the available budget will be shared among applicants according to program rules.
For one-week (5 working days) participation, the training activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of training per week. For training activities that will last more than one week (5 working days), the minimum training hour must be calculated in proportion to the minimum requirement (e.g., 16 hours/10 working days, 24 hours/15 working days).
Important notes:
- If the training activity/training hours last less than the minimum requirements, the activity is considered as void by the funding body and the grant payment will not be made for the related activity.
- The activity must take place until the end of related project term, which will be announced by ICO.
6. Erasmus+ KA171 (Non-European Countries) Program Grants for Staff Mobility:
Daily Grant Amounts
For outgoing training mobility period, the grant per day is 180 € for all countries. For the mobility period exceeding 14 days, the grant per day is 126 €.
Travel Grant by Distance
In addition to the daily grants, the travel grant is calculated by using the “Distance Calculator” below:
The distance calculator is used to determine the distance between the location where the staff is residing and the place of activity. The kilometers in distance calculated by the distance calculator corresponds to the round-trip and the amount does not get multiplied by two.
Obtained “km” Value |
Grant Amount (€) |
Green Travel Grant Amount (€) |
10-99 km |
23 |
100-499 km |
180 |
210 |
500-1999 km |
275 |
320 |
2000-2999 km |
360 |
410 |
3000-3999 km |
530 |
610 |
4000-7999 km |
820 |
+8000 km |
1.500 |
Important Note: Participants receive 70 % of the total financial support at the beginning of their mobility period and the remaining 30 % when the training programme is over.
*Green Travel
In case the staff member prefers sustainable means of transport in both directions (e.g. using railway, maritime transport, car-pooling with other Erasmus+ programme beneficiaries or using bus), the distance-based travel grant is considered as green travel. The grant amount is calculated according to the relevant part of the table. Whether the staff member can be considered within the scope of green travel is determined by the submission of the relevant travel documents to the International Cooperation Office and the evaluation of the Turkish National Agency.
A Sample of Grant Calculation
For a visit to Georgia for 5 working days, the total grant is calculated as follows:
Daily Grant: 180*5 (mobility days) + 180*2 (travel days) = 1260 €
Travel Grant: 275 €
Total Grant: 1535 €
For a visit to Singapore for 15 working days, the total grant is calculated as follows:
Daily Grant: 180*14 (mobility days) +126*1 (mobility days exceeding 14)+126*2 (travel days) = 2898 €
Travel Grant: 1500 €
Total Grant: 4398 €
7. Additional Grant for Disabled Participants:
For disabled participants, it is possible to receive additional grants to meet their specific needs. In order for the disabled staff to be given additional grants, METU ICO is required to request additional grants from the Turkish National Agency. The applications for additional grants should be made during the term of the contract, but in any case up to 60 days before the contract end date. The Turkish National Agency will evaluate each application specifically and determine whether the additional grant can be granted, and if so, the appropriate grant amount. In order to learn more about the application forms, you may contact METU ICO.
8. Erasmus Staff Mobility without Grant (Zero-Grant):
It is possible to participate in Erasmus staff mobility programme without a grant. Those staff members who would like to participate in the programme without a grant need to submit an application and their applications need to be evaluated along with all the others. Those participants with zero grant also have to fulfill rights and obligations of the program.
9. Required Documents:
Hibe Ödeme Süreçleri Hakkında Bilgilendirme-Info Sheet for Grant Payment Procedures
Before the Mobility
- Official Invitation Letter (signed and stamped by the receiving institution)
- Erasmus+ HE Staff Mobility agreement – training form (confirmed by all required parties)
- Euro Account at Vakıfbank METU Branch
- Erasmus+ HE Staff Mobility Grant Agreement (filled and signed with the help of ICO advisor)
- Health Insurance
- Visa Document (if necessary)
After the Mobility
- Certificate of Attendance (original document confirmed by the receiving institution)
- Boarding passes (for round trip)
- EU Survey (to be sent by ICO advisor)
Announcements for Staff Training
- Instituto Technologico de Santo Domingo International Staff Week, 23-27 June, 2025
- Caucasus University, Georgia, International Staff Week, 17-21 March, 2025
- Georgia, European University Erasmus International Staff Week, 3-7 June, 2024
- International Staff Week at University of Mostar
- Caucasus University - International Staff Week 2024
- PSUT 4th international staff week (JORDAN)
- Three UNSA staff weeks in 2024 - join us in Sarajevo (BA SARAJEV01)
- 7th International Staff Week at TSU, 15-19 April, 2024, Ivane Javakishvilli Tbilisi State University
- 3rd International Staff Week, 21-25 April, 2024, International University of Sarajevo
- International Staff Training Week, 23-27 October, 2023 I University of Sarajevo
- International Staff Week Invitation 08-12 May 2023 | Universum College, Kosovo
- Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University International Polytechnic Week 2023 (24 to 28 April 2023)
- Yarmouk University/ Staff Training Week (202-22 March, 2023)
- Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia (22-26 May, 2023)
- Ben-Gurion University International Staff Week
- 8th International Staff Training Week at the University of Sarajevo (24-28 October, 2022)
- 2nd International Staff Week at Universum College/ Kosovo
- Universiteti Ismail Qemali Vlore/ 1st International Staff Week
- International Staff Week/ Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- University of Sarajevo/ 3rd International Staff Training Week