Erasmus Agreements List for Student Exchange ( Please note that some agreements are offered to "All available fields", which means that you should check that partner university's website and make sure that your department at METU has a corresponding department in that partner university before finalizing your university preferences in the application system !!! )

Please check the checklists BEFORE asking questions to your Erasmus advisors. We believe that it is a very clear document stating everything you need, but if you think that is not enough, please watch the informative videos below.
Useful Documents
Yurt İzin Dilekçesi (Dormitory Leave Request)
Grant and Day Calculation Document
OLS EXAM PROCESS DOCUMENT (Online Language Support Exam) (This exam is optional to complete)

Documents Required Before the Mobility:
Outgoing students will need the following documents for carrying out the Erasmus procedures prior to their departure for their host universities. Please be extremely careful filling your documents!
The Academic Confirmation Form (Akademik Onay Formu) and Learning Agreement (OLA or paper-based) should be only sent to your Erasmus advisors once all the signatures are completed.
1)Kabul Mektubu (Acceptance Letter)
2)Akademik Onay Formu-Gidiş (Academic Confirmation Form)
3)Dönem İzin Dilekçesi (Academic Permit Request)
4) Öğrenim Anlaşması**(OLA or paper-based)--Online Learning Agreements (OLA): This is an online tool that allows mobile students to prepare, submit and sign their learning agreements online. Starting from 2021, students have to use OLA system with their metu-mails through this adress: 
              For 2023 Project (Learning Agreement BEFORE the Mobility)
              For 2024 Project (Learning Agreement BEFORE the Mobility)
5) Vize (Visa) (Vize Yazısı Alma Kılavuzu-Guide to get a Visa Letter)
6)Sağlık Sigortası (Health Insurance)
7) Hibe Sözleşmesi (Grant Agreement)
          a) İngilizce 2023 Projesi Erasmus Hibe Sözleşmesi (2023 Project Grant Agreement in English) 
          b)Türkçe 2023 Projesi Erasmus Hibe Sözleşmesi (2023 Project Grant Agreement in Turkish)
          c)Türkçe 2024 Projesi Erasmus Hibe Sözleşmesi (2024 Project Grant Agreement in Turkish)
******To fill your grant agreement, please take the academic and orientation dates as a reference (as stated in the acceptance letter sent by the host institution), to calculate the grant (use the grant and day calculation document below). The grant agreement should be filled on the word form and then printed and signed by wet-ink signature. (We do not accept hand-written grant agreements.)
           -Grant and Day Calculation Document
Documents Required During the Mobility:**If necessary
1)Ek Hibe Sözleşmesi (Additional Grant Agreement)-This document is only for students who stay longer than their first grant agreement due to the reasons such as prolongation of the academic calendar of the host university etc.
3)Öğrenim Anlaşması (Learning Agreement DURING the Mobility)
Documents Required After the Mobility:
Outgoing students will need the following documents for carrying out the Erasmus procedures after to their return to METU.
1) Transcript
2) Katılım Sertifikası (Certificate of Attendance)
3)E-devletten alınan Yurda giriş-çıkış belgesi (For international students, boarding pass)
4)Akademik Onay Formu-Dönüş (Academic Confirmation-After)
5)Partner Üniversitesi Bilgi Formu (Partner Information Form)
6) Çevrimiçi AB Anketi (EU Survey)