we are very happy to invite you to our next International Staff Week at FH JOANNEUM, Austria which will take place from May 5th – 9th, 2025.

The staff week “Sustainability and Well-Being in the Workplace”, organized at FH JOANNEUM in May 2025 will address the two Grand Challenges Green Economy and Healthy Living. During the staff week, you will have the opportunity to engage in workshops related to well-being and sustainability and to learn from a wide range on best practice examples. The program includes a visit to FH JOANNEUM’s campus in Bad Gleichenberg, specializing in healthcare and tourism, as well as a broad cultural and social program.
The staff week will be carried out in the form of an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program. This means that in addition to the week in Graz, there will be a virtual component on the topics of the staff week.
Who can participate?
Our staff week is directed at staff from our EU4DUAL partner alliance and other partner universities of FH JOANNEUM who are interested in sustainability and well-being in the workplace.
How to register?
Registration will be open from now to March 1st, 2025 under this link: https://fhj.to/EU4DUALstaffweek
Participants have to cover travel and hotel costs as well as costs for possible activities outside of the organized program on their own. We recommend colleagues from our Erasmus+ partner universities (KA131) to apply for an Erasmus+ grant in the International Office of their home institution.
Please do not book flights or hotels before you have received a mail that confirms that you are selected to participate. 
A preliminary program can be found in the attachment and on our website: International Staff Week - FH JOANNEUM