International Visiting Research Trainee (IVRT), York University Canada


 Any METU student - preferably 3rd, 4th year undergraduate and all graduate students can apply to come to York as an IVRT. They can also apply for relevant Global Affairs Canada (GAC) scholarships, linked HERE, to fund their visit. 
To initiate the process, interested METU students should reach out to any YorkU faculty member that they think could be a good fit for their research visit. Once a YorkU faculty member(s) agrees to host a METU student(s), York International will facilitate the rest of the process with the visiting student and host faculty member. 
Please note that there is no tuition fee associated with the IVRT program, but students should cover their expenses themselves. Unfortunately, YorkU has no funding program for the incoming IVRT students, but as I mentioned above, students can apply for GAC scholarships.