University wide applications for Turkish Higher Education Council’s (HEC) Mevlana Program Student Mobility will be taken between February 4 - 26, 2019. Related board decision can be seen here.

Students must submit the application form to International Cooperations Office (ICO) until 26 February, 2019 with required signatures.  


Students can apply for Mevlana Program only if:

- CGPA is at least 2.50 as of the application deadline (undergraduate level)

- CGPA is at least 3.00 as of the application deadline (graduate level)

The student must have completed at least 1 semester in the program they are enrolled in. During the application, the student must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) in the program they are enrolled in and must be continuing their education on the same level of education in the following year.

Students that are studying in Basic English Department cannot apply to the program due to the fact that they do not have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

Please bear in mind that applicants are expected to have METU course load of minimum 30 ECTS / around 5 courses for the semester in which s/he plans to participate Mevlana Programme and take 30 ECTS / around 5 courses at the host University. Students are also expected to make sure that these courses will be recognized by their departments upon successfully completion.



It is obligatory to take EPEEP for Mevlana Program applicants.

English Proficiency Exam (EPEEP): 2 March 2019 (No additional application is required for the English Proficiency Exam)

EPEEP is valid for two consecutive years and students who have taken the exam in the previous 2 years may apply with a previous score. This needs to be indicated on the application document.

However, students are allowed to take the EPEEP only once a year and those who have already taken the exam on 8 December 2018 within the framework of Erasmus+ Non-European Exchange Program (KA107 ICM) or Overseas Exchange Program applications will not be able to take the exam again on 2 March.

The exam is organized by the Department of Basic English. Students who are not able to enter the exam due to a valid excuse should submit a petition explaining their excuse to the ICO. Otherwise, their application will be regarded as invalid.

Only the students who submit their application to ICO will take the exam and the place of the exam will be announced later.



List of partner universities and country quotas can be seen HERE

At most 4 universities can be chosen.

It is of utmost importance to consult departmental exchange programs coordinator about the university choices. List for departmental exchange programs coordinators can be found in: 

Students must be sure that the university they applied to offers education on their level and in a relevant department. Availability of a university in the list does not imply that the said university offers education in all the departments and on all levels of education.

It is also important to note that there are restrictions for each country determined by Turkish Higher Education Council. Students need to comply with these restrictions.

Student can only apply for their current level of education. Undergraduate students cannot apply for a master or PhD level program. But after being selected for the program, it is possible to take courses on different levels providing that METU and the host university approve of it.

Host university can demand student’s transcript in order to track student’s academic status and success, and this can affect the acceptance process. Partner universities holds the right not to extend partnerships for 2019-20 Academic Year or not to accept applicants.

During application, an internationally recognized language proficiency exam grade is not required by International Cooperations Office. However, partner universities may require a language proficiency exam grade document for their language of education (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.). It is not possible for the student to study in a university if they cannot meet the language requirement for the said university. Since language proficiency requirements differ among universities, it is necessary to check the university’s website for the language requirements before application and to make sure the language requirements can be fulfilled/documented before the deadline.

In addition to language, there may be further restrictions, it is the student’s responsibility to check university websites and information sheets.



CGPA and English Proficiency Exam score are taken into account in electing prospective Mevlana Program students. Weighted CGPA is calculated for each applicant depending on the average CGPA in his/her departmental cohort.

In order to calculate the 50% of the CGPA, a coefficient is applied on the CGPA according to the applicants' department and semester information as below:


Student CGPA: 3.15

Average CGPA of the same department & semester: 2.89

Ratio: 3.15 / 2.89 = 1.09

25(*) + 1.09=26.09

Overall Score: 3.15 x 26.09 = 82.18

(*) the convergent factor to calculate 50% of the CGPA = 25


  • Applicants with disabilities (approved by medical report) get 10 additional points. Medical reports concerning their disability must be submitted to International Cooperations Office before the application deadline.
  • 10 points will be deduced from the overall grade of the students who have benefited from the Mevlana Program before within the same study level. Previous participation in the program in different study levels does not cause any deduction in the overall grade.
  • 10 points will be deduced from the overall grade of the students who have withdrawn from the program after the announced deadline for the previous Mevlana Program Applications.
  • In their future Mevlana program applications, 10 points will be deduced from the students who withdraw from the Program after the deadline (which will be announced in the application results) without a force major reason.
  • 10 points will be added to the overall score of the students who have been under protection by 2828 Social Services Law. The proving documents must be submitted to International Cooperations Office before the application deadline.
  • 15 points will be added to the overall score of the students who are the relatives of martyries and veterans. The proving documents must be submitted to International Cooperations Office before the application deadline.



For the official announcement sent by Turkish Higher Education Council (HEC) and the monthly grants provided by HEC, please see the table below and the attached document here. Please note that METU may not have Mevlana agreements with all countries mentioned in this document. In order to see the available partner lists open to the application, please check the List of Partner Universities.”

Region Monthly Grant
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, North America 1500 TL
Europe, Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa 1400 TL
South Caucasia, South Asia, Middle East, North Africa 1300 TL

Number of METU students who can receive grant for the 2019-2020 Academic Year will be determined by the Turkish Higher Education Council (HEC). METU ICO will send the list of candidates to HEC for the selection of grantees. Students will be granted by HEC according to their rankings. Therefore, please bear in mind that some students may not receive Mevlana grant.

Please note that the granted period is 4 months in the Mevlana Program. Even if the semester of the host county exceeds 4 months, it is still not possible to receive additional grants according to program rules.