It is our pleasure to announce that applications for the Exchange Programs to be held at California State University Northridge are now open!

Middle East Technical University students and faculty are eligible for a limited number of 70% scholarships, awarded based on merit and how early postulants apply.  

I kindly ask you to share this email, where all the instructions can be found, with your students and colleagues. Please do not hesitate to contact me by answering this email if you have any questions.

Scholarship Notice #07/2023 - California State University Northridge

The California State University Northridge is located in sunny California right next to Hollywood, and develops education to the highest standard, offering an immersive and flexible experience that gives students an unparalleled opportunity to join an affordable international program in the United States without compromising the academic year.

CSUN offers the following short-term exchange programs in Business Administration and Marketing Management related areas: 

  • Communication, Design & Innovation
  • Applied Design Thinking and Storytelling
  • Digital Companies & E-Business Revolution
  • Leadership in an Age of Disruption

The top 10% of applicants receive the scholarship based on merit and how early they apply.


- Registration: Applications will be accepted starting July 7th
- Benefit: 70% of the tuition fee 
- Where: California State University Northridge, California - USA 
- Exchange period: 3 weeks  
- Program Overview: Full-time lectures and private business visits from Monday to Thursday.

Eligibility Criteria

Any student who by the time of the chosen intake has met all three requirements below: 

  • Be 18 years old. 
  • Have completed the 4th semester of the degree.
  • Have at least an intermediate level of English proficiency. 

How to apply

  1. Check the Summer and Winter 2024 brochure to choose your program of preference.
  2. Complete the Application Form. 
  3. After reviewing your application, the Scholarship Advisor will contact you to ensure that all required documents are sent.
  4. Scholarship recipients will be notified after 10 days. 



Prof. Ricardo Britto, Ph.D.
Scholarship Program Coordinator