Teaching Mobility (STA)

Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) is a field of activity that allows HEI teaching staff of a Turkish higher education institution (holding ECHE) to teach and carry joint academic/educational activities at a partner HEI (holding ECHE) in the program countries.

The receiving organisation must be a Programme Country HEI awarded with an ECHE or a Partner Country HEI recognised by competent authorities and having signed an interinstitutional agreement with the sending Programme Country partner before the mobility takes place.  Here you can find the list of Erasmus partners. 

STA is a daily basis activity and a grant payment is made for the lecture days. For this reason, in the Staff Mobility for Teaching Mobility Agreement a specific teaching program must be indicated on a daily-basis.

The purposes of STA may be summarized as follows:

  • to provide teaching staff with opportunities for personal & professional development
  • to share expertise in specialist areas within teacher education, to deepen mutual understanding of different European Education Systems and to raise the profile of the European Dimension in Education
  • to allow students who are not able to participate in mobility to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of staff in other European institutions.

Duration of the Activities

From 2 days (5 days from and to Partner Countries) to 2 months, excluding travel time. But, in order to provide mobility opportunity for higher number of staff, the maximum duration of the mobility period for STA is limited to 5 days (excluding travel time) by METU Exchange Programs Commission In all cases, a teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week (e.g. since it is compulsory to carry minimum 8 hours of teaching per week, this should be minimum 16 hours for a two weeks-activity).  If the teaching activity lasts less than 2 days or the teaching hours are less than the minimum requirement, the activity is considered as void and the grant payment is not made for the related activity.


Applications are received once a year for the following academic year. The instructions about the applications of following year are announced in our Office website.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria for teaching mobility can be seen in the attached document:

Erasmus Grants

Travel Support Amount by Distance

The amount of travel support to be paid to the personnel benefiting from the personnel mobility activity should be calculated using the "Distance Calculator". The distance calculator is available at the link below:


*Green Travel

In case the staff member prefers sustainable means of transport in both directions (e.g. using railway, maritime transport, car-pooling with other Erasmus+ programme beneficiaries or using bus), the distance-based travel grant is considered as green travel. The grant amount is calculated according to the relevant part of the table. Whether the staff member can be considered within the scope of green travel is determined by the submission of the relevant travel documents to the International Cooperation Office and the evaluation of the Turkish National Agency.

Hibe Ödeme Süreçleri Hakkında Bilgilendirme-Info Sheet for Grant Payment Procedures

Erasmus Staff Mobility Without Grant (Zero Grant)

It is possible to participate in Erasmus staff mobility programme without grant. Those staff who would like to participate in the programme without grant need to make application and their applications need to be evaluated as the others. Those participants with zero grant have to fulfill rights and obligations of the program.

Required Documents 

Before the Mobility

  •  Official Invitation Letter (signed and stamped by the receiving institution)

After the Mobility

  • Plane Ticket / Boarding Pass and "Entry-Exit" Document from E-Devlet (Yurda Giriş-Çıkış Belgesi)
  • EU Survey (to be sent by ICO)

 Announcements for Teaching Mobility