1) Learning Agreement for Traineeship (After): The student must bring the document with himself/herself after receiving the signatures on before, during and after parts of it from the host institution. During the mobility document is prepared in case that there is an alteration on traineeship activities or contact persons of the institution. The students who do not have any change regarding traineeship activity do not have to prepare the during the mobility document. However, in any case, before the mobility and after the mobility documents must be delivered to ICO after the mobility as they are confirmed by the host institution (signature and seal).
2) Certificate of Attendance: It is the document which shows the start and termination dates of the traineeship of the student. It is approved the institution which the student had traineeship. Original version of the related document with wet-ink signature must be delivered to ICO.
3) Flight ticket for outgoing and return/Boarding Pass (E-devlet üzerinden alınacak Yurda Giriş-Çıkış Belgesi ): To determine exact traineeship duration, the dates on the flight ticket of the student along with certificate of attendance have importance. For this purpose, photocopy of flight ticket (or boarding pass) which shows the outgoing and return dates and identity information must be delivered to ICO. Duration indicated at certificate of attendance and flight ticket must not be less than 60 days. Erasmus+ traineeship activities less than 60 days are cancelled and the student returns the grant payment even if it is already paid.
4) Online EU Survey: Final report form will be sent to students via e-mail after ICO advisor enters the information of students to the system and the student must fill this from as online. 5% of return grant will be cut from the payment of students who did not fill the online EU survey.