Erasmus+ European Mobility is a program that enables student and staff mobility between higher education institutions (HEIs) of  28 EU member countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Serbia, Norway, the FYR of Macedonia, and Turkey. To participate in this program HEIs of these countries apply to European Commission to be able to get eligable for  Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).  International cooperation between HEIs in these countries is established through bileteral student and staff mobility agreements. Erasmus+ European Mobility Programme  provides monthlty grant to the students in order to help them cover their living expenses during their Erasmus mobility period abroad. 

Although the program started in 1987 in Europe, Turkey participated in this program in 2003-2004 academic year through pilot projects. At METU the program has been operated by International Cooperations Office since 2003. Erasmus policy statement of Middle East technical University s given below: 


Erasmus+ Öğrenim ve Staj Hareketliliği / Overseas Exchange Başvuru Takvimi


11 Ağustos-3 Eylül 2025Avrupa Ülkeleri Öğrenim Hareketliliği Erasmus+ KA131 Başvuruları (başvurular yalnızca 2025-2026 akademik yılının Bahar dönemi içindir)


3-28 Kasım 2025: Avrupa Ülkeleri ile Öğrenim Hareketliliği Erasmus+ KA131, Avrupa Dışı Ülkelerle Öğrenim Hareketliliği Erasmus+ KA171 ve Overseas Exchange Öğrenim Hareketliliği Başvuruları (2026-2027 akademik yılı içindir)


2-27 Şubat 2026: Avrupa Ülkeleri ile Staj Hareketliliği Erasmus+ KA131 Başvuruları (2025-2026 yaz dönemi içindir)

Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility / Overseas Exchange Application Calendar


August 11-September 3, 2025: Erasmus+ KA131 Applications for Study Mobility in European Countries (applications only for the Spring semester of the academic year 2025-2026)


November 3-28, 2025: Applications for Erasmus+ KA131 Study Mobility with European Countries, Erasmus+ KA171 Study Mobility with Non-European Countries and Overseas Exchange Study Mobility (for 2026-2027 academic year)


February 2-27, 2026: Erasmus+ KA131 Applications for Internship Mobility with European Countries (for the summer period of 2025-2026 academic year)