International Cooperation Office Team
Fax: +90 312 210 7176

Head of the Office
Tel: +90 312 210 7180

International Memberships Coordinator
Tel: +90 312 210 3486

International Initiatives and Project Development Coordinator 
Tel: +90 312 210 3491

Program Teams & Advisors
European Mobility (Outgoing Students & Staff, Incoming Staff)
Associate Coordinator for European Mobility
Tel: +90 312 210 7177
Associate Coordinator for European Mobility
Tel: +90 312 210 7179
Mobility Programs Specialist
Tel:+90 312 210 7096
Overseas Mobility and Incoming Student Mobility Team 
Associate Coordinator for Overseas Mobility
Tel: +90 312 210 7069
Associate Coordinator for Overseas Mobility
Tel: +90 312 210 7072
Partnership Coordinator for Overseas Mobility & Mobility Programs Specialist
Tel: +90 312 210 3405
Finance Coordinator
Tel: +90 312 210 2298

Administrative Staff