Erasmus+ Non-European Exchange Program (KA171 International Credit Mobility 2024 Project) Outgoing Student Applications for 2025-2026 Academic Year
Erasmus+ Non-European Exchange Program (KA171 International Credit Mobility 2024 Project) Outgoing Student Applications for 2025-2026 Academic Year
Please note that this application is NOT for Erasmus+ with European Countries.
For the details of face-to-face Information sessions, you can visit the link below:
In addition to face-to-face meetings, an online info session will be delivered on 1 November, 2024 Friday at 10.00-11.30 through Microsoft Teams platform:
METU International Cooperations Office sizi bir Microsoft Teams Toplantısına davet etti:
Information Session for Erasmus+ ICM Noneuropean Program and Overseas Exchange Program
1 Kasım 2024 Cuma
10:00 - 11:30 (TMT)
Students can apply for Erasmus+ Non-European Exchange Program (KA171 International Credit Mobility – ICM) only if:
- CGPA is at least 2.50 as of the application deadline (undergraduate level)
- CGPA is at least 3.00 as of the application deadline (graduate level)
Please bear in mind that students:
-Should have METU course load of minimum 30 ECTS for the semester in which s/he plans to participate Erasmus Programme. Those MS and PhD students who completed their course load and in thesis period can also apply as their thesis satisfies the ECTS requirement. The course loads of the applicants will be checked by METU ICO. Applications of those students whose course load is not sufficient may not be considered eligible.
-Should take 30 ECTS course/or 5 courses (if the host university does not use ECTS) at the host university.
-Make sure that 30 ECTS courses will be recognized by their departments upon successfully completion.
Applicants must be registered at METU as full-degree students at the time of application.
The student must have completed at least 1 semester in the program they are enrolled in. During the application, the student must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) in the program they are enrolled in and must be continuing their education on the same level of education in the following year.
Conditional Program (Bilimsel Hazırlık) students and students studying in the Department of Basic English are not eligible to apply due to the fact that they do not have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA).
Please also note that:
Students can only participate in the Program during their studies at the same level (undergraduate students can participate in the program during their undergraduate studies, master's students can participate in the program during their master's studies, PhD students can participate in the program during their PhD studies).
Applications are taken for the next academic year; 2024-2025 Academic Year.
Application Period: 4-29 November, 2024 (by 17.00)
Announcement of Application Results: End of December/Beginning of January (expected)
Withdrawal Period: 9-27 January, 2025
Students who would like to withdraw from the programme should inform ICO about withdrawal decision latest by January 27, 2025. Please bear in mind that students who withdraw from the program without a forced major reason after 27 January 2025 will lose 10 points in their next Erasmus+ applications at the same study cycle.
All applications, selections and placements will be carried out online and through the E-Devlet Career Gate platform initiated by the Turkish National Agency:
Students must submit their application online between 4-29 November 2024 to E-Devlet Career Gate platform. The application platform will be closed on 29 November 2024 at 17.00 and you will not be able to upload any documents or make any changes in your application after this time.
Additional application documents (e.g. language document, the health report for disability) should not be physically transmitted, but uploaded to the relevant section of the Application Portal. Documents which are not submitted to the application portal will not be accepted.
International Cooperations Office is no longer holding English Proficiency Exam for Exchange Programs (EPEEP) based on the University Senate decision given on December 29, 2021. No EPEEP exam has been held starting from 2022.
However, students interested in applying to ICO programs such as Erasmus+ and Overseas Exchange will be able to bring any English language score taken within the last 5 years before the application period. These scores must be one of the METU recognized exams. Please check which exams are recognized by METU from the link and prepare your valid score. The table below will be used for conversion of METU's recognized exams into a grading scale ranging from 1 to 100, the highest score. Then the online system will calculate its 50% for the selection purposes (see Selection Criteria section) as explained below:
Equivalance Table for METU IYS to other English exams
According to the decision taken by the University Exchange Programs Committee on 10 October 2022, in addition to the exams that are recognized by METU, ICO will accept English language exams that are organized by OSYM (YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL). Students interested in applying to ICO programs such as Erasmus+ and Overseas Exchange will be able to submit any of these English language scores taken within the last 5 years before the application period deadlines.
Please check which exams are organized by OSYM from the link and prepare your valid score.
Language scores and documents must be submitted to the application portal during the application period. Any language document submitted to the ICO physically after the application deadline will not be accepted.
At most 4 universities can be chosen.
List of partner universities and country quotas can be seen HERE. It is not possible to study in a University which does not have an Erasmus+ ICM agreement with METU. Please be aware that the partner list can be updated during the application period!!!!
While checking the University list, please be aware that some countries are available only for PhD-level students. This is the requirement of the Erasmus+ ICM Program and it is announced by the European Commission for the current 2024 Erasmus+ project. For those countries, it is not possible to send Undergraduate and Master students with Erasmus+ grants. However, this does not mean that universities open to the applications of PhD students have PhD level programs for sure; students must check the University websites and fact sheets and be sure that there is a suitable program and course list convenient for their own academic program and level.
Partner university fact sheets can be seen HERE.
It is of utmost importance to consult departmental exchange programs coordinator about the university choices. List for departmental exchange programs coordinators can be found in:
Online applications will be reviewed by Departmental Erasmus+/Exchange Coordinators. The Coordinators are authorized to decline the applications of the students if they do not approve the universities or the academic background/status of the students. To learn more about the departmental restrictions, you can check the website below (an appointment with the coordinator is still advised):
Please be aware of the fact that not all the departmental restrictions might be available in the mentioned link. Therefore, students are strongly advised to contact their departments to check if there are further rules and restrictions.
Students must be sure that the university they applied to offers education on their level and in a relevant department. Availability of a university in the list does not imply that the said university offers education in all the departments and on all levels of education.
Student can only apply for their current level of education. Undergraduate students cannot apply for a master or PhD level program. But after being selected for the program, it is possible to take courses on different levels providing that METU and the host university approve of it.
Host university can demand student’s transcript in order to track student’s academic status and success, and this can affect the acceptance process.
During application, an internationally recognized language proficiency exam grade is not required by International Cooperations Office. However, partner universities may require a language proficiency exam grade document for their language of education (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.). It is not possible for the student to study in the university if they cannot meet the language requirement for the said university. Since language proficiency requirements differ among universities, it is necessary to check the university’s website for the language requirements before application and to make sure the language requirements can be fulfilled/documented before the deadline.
***Agreements within the framework of Erasmus+ ICM Program are generally established as “all departments”. This means that all students can apply, and no one is given priority over the others, unless stated otherwise in the “Restrictions” section of the agreement list in the announcement. However, before applying for those universities, please make sure that there is a department (or at least courses) at the partner university corresponding to your department and level at METU. The fact that you are given the chance to apply for such universities does not guarantee that the university accepts you. The applicants are required to check the conditions of the partner universities (i.e. medium of instruction, language requirement, academic calendar, accommodation opportunities etc.) before submitting their applications.
E.g. :
X University
Application criteria: CGPA: 3,00/4,00
Student placed in X University CGPA: 2,90/4,00
In this case, even if you are placed in X University, which requires min CGPA to be 3,00/4,00 for UG, you may not be accepted to the university since your CGPA is less than 3,00/4,00. For this reason, students must check the university list announced by ICO, and the websites of the universities.
50% of CGPA and 50% of the English language test score are taken into account in electing prospective Exchange students.
In order to calculate the 50% of the CGPA, a coefficient is applied on the CGPA according to the applicants' department and semester information as below:
Student CGPA: 3.15
Average CGPA of the same department & semester: 2.89
Ratio: 3.15 / 2.89 = 1.09
25(*) + 1.09=26.09
Overall Score: 3.15 x 26.09 = 82.18
(*) the convergent factor to calculate 50% of the CGPA = 25
- Applicants with disabilities (approved by medical report) get 10 additional points. Medical reports concerning their disability must be submitted to the online application system during the application period.
- 15 points will be added to the overall score of the students who are the children of martyrs and veterans. The proving documents must be submitted to the online application system during the application period.
- 10 points will be added to the overall score of the students who have been under protection by 2828 Social Services Law. The proving documents must be submitted to the online application system during the application period.
- 10 points will be added to the overall score of the students who themselves or their first-degree relatives receive disaster aid from AFAD. The proving documents (the document which shows the AFAD aid could be downloaded from e-devlet system) must be submitted to the online application system during the application period.
(This is only a one-time application. If the applicant received this additional point for the previous applications and selected for the mobility, 10 point will not be added for the new application!!!) - It is possible to benefit from the Erasmus+ Programs (Erasmus European Study, Erasmus Traineeship, Erasmus+ Non-European ICM) more than once. Students can participate in the programs up to 12 months for each level of study (UG, MS, PhD). However, 10 points will be deduced from the overall grade of the students who have benefited from Erasmus+ Non-European ICM before within the same study level. Previous participation in the program in different study levels does not cause any deduction in the overall grade.
- 10 points will be deduced from the overall grade of the students who have withdrawn from the program after the announced deadline for the previous Erasmus+ Non-European ICM Program Applications.
- 10 point will be deduced from the overall grade of those international students who apply for the countries that they have their citizenships.
Students selected for this program with Erasmus+ grant will receive 700 Euro per month (same for all countries) and also a fixed and one-time travel support ranging from 28-1735 Euro according to distance between Ankara and the city that they will study:
Öğrenci ve Personel Hareketlilikleri için Seyahat Desteği |
Seyahat Mesafesi |
Standart Seyahat Hibe Tutarı |
Yeşil Seyahat Hibe Tutarı |
10-99 km arası |
28 € |
56 € |
100-499 km arası |
211 € |
285 € |
500-1999 km arası |
309 € |
417 € |
2000-2999 km arası |
395 € |
535 € |
3000-3999 km arası |
580 € |
785 € |
4000-7999 km arası |
1.188 € |
1.188 € |
8000 km ve üzeri |
1.735 € |
1.735 € |
Erasmus+ ICM grant is allocated according to each country’s quotas. Available grants are shown in the partner university and country quotas list above.
Even if there are more than one partner universities in a specific country, in the allocation of grants "quota per country" will be considered.
Please bear in mind that students will be placed in one of their choices according to the university quotas, firstly. The distribution of the grant will be done after the university placements. For instance, if the first 2 students (according to overall score) apply for the same institution which has 2 capacities, but 1 scholarship quota, both students will be placed in the mentioned institution but the one who has the higher score will be selected with Erasmus+ grant and the other one will be selected as zero-grant student. Students who are already placed in one of the institutions either with or without Erasmus+ grant will not have a chance to change their institutions. There will be no second round of placement either.
It is possible to participate in the program without grant as well. However, just like granted beneficiaries, zero-grant students must apply to the program and get selected officially.
Please be informed that participants receive 70% of the total financial support at the beginning of their mobility period and the remaining 30% when the participants successfully complete their study abroad.
Please also be kindly reminded that participants are responsible for arranging their travel and METU International Cooperations Office is not responsible for travel arrangements and purchasing plane ticket.
*Green Travel
In case the participants prefer sustainable means of transport in both directions (e.g. using railway, maritime transport, car-pooling with other Erasmus+ programme beneficiaries or using bus), the distance-based travel grant is considered as green travel. The grant amount is calculated according to the relevant part of the table. Whether the participants can be considered within the scope of green travel is determined by the submission of the relevant travel documents to the International Cooperation Office and the evaluation of the Turkish National Agency.
For disabled participants, it is possible to receive additional grants to meet their specific needs. In order for the disabled participants to be given additional grants, METU is required to request additional grants from the Turkish National Agency. Applications for additional grants should be made during the term of the contract, but in any case, up to 60 days before the contract end date. The Turkish National Agency will evaluate each application specifically and determine whether the additional grant can be granted, and if so, the appropriate grant amount. In order to learn more about the application forms, you may contact METU ICO.
Disadvantaged beneficiaries for inclusion support are defined as follows:
- Those who are subject to Law No. 2828 (Those who have a protection, care or shelter decision by the Ministry of Family and Social Services pursuant to Law No. 2828)
- Students for whom protection, care or accommodation decision has been taken within the scope of Child Protection Law No. 5395
- Those who receive an orphan's pension
- Children of martyrs/veterans
- Those who are entitled to a needy pension for themselves and their families
- Disabled persons (with a disability rate of at least 70% documented by a Disability Health Board report.)
- Those whose parents or guardian receiving disability and/or needy pension under the law no. 2022 dated 01.07.1976.
The following amounts of Additional Grant Support can be provided to students who meet the above scope, upon their request and on the condition that they document their situation:
Mobility Type |
Additional Grant Amount |
2-12 months student mobility |
Monthly 250 Euro |
5-14 days short term student mobility |
In addition to total grant: 100 Euro |
15-30 days short term student mobility |
In addition to total grant: 150 Euro |
For more information about the program please read our INFO SHEET (English).