Sciences Po welcomes applications from post-doctoral and doctoral students who are in the final phases of their PhD for one-year teaching positions on one of three English-speaking undergraduate campuses in France: Le Havre, Menton or Reims. Each campus provides the core undergraduate curriculum of Science Po in addition to a geographic specialisation in international relations study, culminating in a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Sciences and Humanities. Coursework in Economics, History, Law, Political Science, Political Theory, Sociology and Quantitative Methods applied to Social Sciences is taught in English. The area of expertise of successful applicants will be relevant to the disciplines taught at Sciences Po and to the regional focus of each campus. Given the international nature of the Teaching Fellowship, applications from Sciences Po university partners are strongly encouraged. 
The Reims Campus hosts two geographic specialisations, on North America and Africa, the MentonCampus hosts the Mediterranean and Middle-East specialisation, and the Le Havre Campus hosts the Asia and the Pacific specialisation. 
Teaching Fellowships will be offered for the 2023-24 academic year as follows: 
Reims Campus (7 Fellowships) in the following disciplines:
   - Economics/quantitative methods for social sciences 
   - History (2 Fellowships) 
   - Law - Political science 
   - Sociology 
   - Political theory (political humanities).   
Menton Campus (2 Fellowships) in the following disciplines: 
   - Law - Sociology. 
Le Havre Campus (2 Fellowships) in the following disciplines: 
   - Political science 
   - History  
As an integral part of the academic learning community, Teaching Fellows will be responsible for a teaching portfolio in relation to their disciplinary specialties and the core curriculum needs on each campus. The courses will be taught in English.
The teaching commitment for the academic year is 128 lecture course hours, based on a standard French contract. For further details, please see the framework for pedagogical activity for Sciences Po Faculty. Fellows are expected to be present on campus for the duration of the academic year. 
Fellowships will begin at the end of August 2023. 
Each semester covers a duration of 15 weeks, including an orientation week, a week-long recess and 10-day final examination period. The autumn term is from September to December, the spring term is from January to May. For detailed dates of the 2023-2024 academic year, see the academic calendar, which is updated each spring.
Fellowship contracts are for one calendar year, with the possibility of a one-year renewal. Teaching Fellows are expected to settle their residence near campus. 
The Fellowship is a full-time contract and cannot be held alongside other contractual commitments. Fellowship stipends are €2,308 gross per month, paid for the period from 28 August 2023 to 27 August 2024, and include full health benefits from the French national system with access to resources and facilities on all Sciences Po campuses. 
Successful applicants will have completed a PhD or are in the process of submitting their dissertation in one of the following fields: Economics, History, Law, Political Science, Political Theory, Sociology or Quantitative Methods for Social Science. Their research and teaching interests should be relevant to the regional focus of the chosen campus. Teaching experience is strongly preferred and fluency in English is mandatory. While not required, applicants with linguistic ability in French or other non-English languages are appreciated. 
Submission deadline: 17 April 2023 (EOB)
Final decisions will be taken end May 2023
How to apply: 
Applicants are requested to submit the following documents in English or French via an internal google platform, which requires a gmail address (if needed, a gmail address can be created here) completion of the application form: 
• Curriculum Vitae, 
• Course proposal(s): In one document, a summary of one to three seminar elective course proposal(s) in English with a sample of main readings/resources the Fellow would like to teach, given the opportunity (please limit each course proposal to two pages), 
• Names of two referees, 
• In one document, evaluations of previous teaching experience, if available. 
- Two letters of reference, qualifying the applicant’s pedagogical ability, sent directly from referees to, before 17 April 2023. 3 Letters can be written in English or French. The file will be named: CANDIDATE’s family name. Candidate’s first name. Referee’s name. Example: SMITH.Adam.Referee.doc. 
For information or any question about the application process, please contact: 
For information about the courses or the campus, please contact: 
Reims: North America & Africa Campus Director: Crystal Cordell Paris Tel: + 33 3 26 05 94 61 
Le Havre: Asia - Pacific Campus Director: Michael Hauchecorne Tel: + 33 2 32 92 17 21 
Menton: Mediterranean and Middle East Campus Director: Yasmina Touaibia Tel: + 33 4 97 14 83 52