We would like to inform you about our International Summer School for Advanced Sustainable Aviation Technologies. The program is aimed at master students of any discipline with a strong interest in sustainable aviation technologies.

The Summer School is taking place from 14 August to 25 August 2023. The first week (14 – 18 August) will be online, the second half of the program (21 – 25 August) will take place at TU Braunschweig.

Our program will be complemented by a rich social programme: There will already be some joint online evening events to exchange ideas during the online phase. During the on-site phase, participants will spend the afternoons taking part in activities in Braunschweig. They will get to know the city, the university’s research airport as well as one of TU Braunschweig’s research facilities.

We would highly appreciate if you could share the information about our Summer School with your students. If you or you students have any questions regarding the programme, please feel free to contact my colleague Joana Zimmer (joana.zimmer@tu-braunschweig.de).

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