1.0. Main List
The main list for Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments application results (1st Call) can be found at https://sonuc-aciklama.metu.edu.tr/index.php?result_no=216
You are expected to enter to the system using your E-Devlet password.
2.0. Selection Criteria:
Applicants may visit this link in order to learn more about the application criteria used in the Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments.
According to the decision of University Exchange Programs Commission made on 3 November 2016, at least 1 quota was allocated to the School of Foreign Languages. Additional quotas allocated to the School of Foreign Languages were determined in accordance with the country budget available and the number of applications received from Faculties and Institutes.
In case of having more than one application, the available budget was shared among applicants (rather than allocating whole country budget for one beneficiary). For those countries in which the budget is available to support more than one week and there is only one application, it became possible to allocate the country budget to one teaching staff.
3.0. Required Procedures for Awarded Applications:
Applicants who submitted an invitation e-mail rather than the official invitation letter during the application period should obtain and send the official invitation letter (signed and stamped) to seokur@metu.edu.tr until 30.01.2022
4.0. Duration of the Activities:
According to KA107 program rules, duration of teaching mobility must be minimum 5 working days excluding travel time.
The teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours for every 5 working days. For activities that will last more than 5 days, the minimum teaching hour must be calculated in proportion to the minimum requirement (e.g., 16 hours for 10 working days, 24 hours for 15 working days).
The activity must have been finalized by 31 July 2022.
If the selected participants would like to participate in the program during summer, there must be actively organized classes which involve the attendance of students (e.g. Summer Schools organized by partner HEIs etc.). Other than that, participants are expected to participate in the program during the academic year in which the partner HEIs have regular academic programs.
5.0. Required Documents:
Before the Mobility
- Official Invitation Letter (signed and stamped by the receiving institution and printed on a letterhead)
- Erasmus+ HE Staff Mobility agreement – teaching form (confirmed by all required parties; the signature of Erasmus+ institutional coordinator will be received by ICO advisor)
- Euro Account at Vakıfbank METU Branch
- Erasmus+ HE Staff Mobility Grant Agreement (filled and signed with the help of ICO advisor)
- Health Insurance
- Electronic Copy of Plane Ticket
- Visa Document (if necessary)
After the Mobility
- Certificate of Attendance (original document confirmed by the receiving institution)
- Boarding passes (for round trip)
- EU Survey (to be sent by ICO advisor)
6.0. Erasmus+ Grants:
6.1. Daily Grant Amounts
Daily Grant: 180 € for all countries (for mobility periods exceeding 14 days, daily grant is 126 €)
Daily grant is allowed for teaching days and travel days up to 2 days.
Even if the travel days exceed 2 days, it is not possible for beneficiaries to receive daily grants for more than 2 days of travel. In order to provide Erasmus+ funding for the travel days, the travel should take place outside of the teaching days.
Except travel days, no daily grant is paid for weekends (even if the program is for more than 1 week), if there is no officially proven teaching activity.
6.2. Travel Grant by Distance
In addition to daily grants, participants will receive a travel support as well. The travel support is a fixed amount, independent of the price of plane tickets. The travel amount is calculated by using the “Distance Calculator” below:
The distance calculator is used to determine the distance between the location where the staff is residing and the place of activity. The kilometers in distance calculated by the distance calculator corresponds to the round-trip and the amount does not get multiplied by two.
6.3. A Sample of Grant Calculation
A visit to Albania for 1 week (5 days of teaching & 2 days of travel):
Total grant = 180*5 (mobility days) + 180*2 (travel days) + 275 (travel support) = 1535 €.
A visit to Australia for 2 weeks (10 days of teaching & 2 days of travel):
Total grant = 180*10 (mobility days) + 180*2 (travel days) + 1500 (travel support) = 3660 €.
Participants receive 70% of the total financial support at the beginning of their mobility period and the remaining 30% when the teaching programme is over.
7.0. Additional Grant for Disabled Participants:
For disabled participants, it is possible to receive additional grants to meet their specific needs. In order for the disabled staff to be given additional grants, METU ICO is required to request additional grants from the Turkish National Agency. The applications for additional grants should be made during the term of the contract, but in any case up to 60 days before the contract end date. The Turkish National Agency will evaluate each application specifically and determine whether the additional grant can be granted, and if so, the appropriate grant amount. In order to learn more about the application forms, you may contact METU ICO.
8.0. Objection to Selection Results:
Academic staff who would like to object to the selection results can apply to ICO with a written petition within one week from the date of the announcement. The written applications will be evaluated by the University Exchange Programs Commission.
If you have any questions about the Program, you can contact METU International Cooperations Office (ICO): Mrs. Seda Okur (Mobility Coordinator); seokur@metu.edu.tr; 2103405