Erasmus+ KA131 Staff Teaching Mobility application period: 15.09.2024 – 30.10.2024
Number of staff to be allocated grant: 13 (plus 2 quotas for academic staff of School of Foreign Languages and Departmen of Modern Languages)

Deadline for mobility: 15.09.2025

Application Portal:



Acceptance Letter Sample

Important Details for Application

It is expected that the preferred institution(s) have been contacted before the application deadline of October 30, 2024 and that signed acceptance letters on the letterhead of the other institution have been received. The draft including the minimum requirements that acceptance letters must meet is presented in the Application Procedures Guide; applications made with acceptance letters that do not meet these minimum requirements will not be accepted.

E-mail correspondence with institutions in the form of pre-acceptance is not valid as the acceptance letter.

Conference participation is not supported within the scope of this activity.

Mobility is not possible in countries other than those specified in the list in the guide.

Teaching staff can only receive acceptance letters from univiersities that have agreements with their own departments.

Details of activities for the development of artificial intelligence and/or digital skills are explained in the Selection Criteria annex of the APPLICATION PROCEDURES GUIDE, and candidates who will participate in such activities must indicate the type of activity mentioned in their acceptance letters. Candidates who do not include details of activities for the development of artificial intelligence and/or digital skills in their acceptance letters will not be given additional points in this category.

Candidates who will be provided with additional points, such as candidates with disabilities, relatives of martryrs/veterans, and candidates who receive disaster relief from AFAD themselves or their first-degree relatives, must upload the relevant documents that show their status onto the application system by 17.00 October 30, 2024. No document submissions will be accepted after this deadline and no additional points will be provided after.

It is the responsibility of the candidates to upload the application documents completely and accurately under the correct mobility type. Applciations will be considered invalid if incorrect/incomplete dcuments are uploarded or applications are made for another mobility type and region.

For Information About the Program: Öğr. Gör. Işıl Tipioğlu Baş ( -