Dear Faculty Members,

The 1st application call to the Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility program for non-European countries (within 2020-23 project) has opened. Applications will be taken between 15 September-30 October, 2022.

Mobility activities within the framework of this specific call must be completed until 31 July 2023.


Erasmus+ KA107 Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) funds mobility activity that allows academic staff of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) to teach and carry out joint academic/educational activities at a partner HEI in the program countries with which METU has Erasmus+ KA107 agreement in different parts of the world. Erasmus+ KA107 Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments can include a variety of activities such as but not limited to lecturing, hands-on teaching activities, giving seminars, organizing workshops, etc..


1. Partner List


Please find the list of countries and partner universities which can be visited under this call.


The Program budget can only be used for mobility to a partner university listed in this specific call. The Erasmus+ KA107 does not provide funding for mobility in non-partner universities.


Concerning the countries which require visa, applicants are advised to check visa requirements and the deadline when the project activities must be completed.


The partner list and the total budget for maximum weeks are subject to change. The potential budget for maximum weeks may increase depending on the availability through the length of other mobility types & participants/applicants’ withdrawal.


2. Application Conditions (Minimum Requirements)


Applicants must be a full time member of METU and they must be actively working at METU at the time of application,


Applicants must be within the group employed for teaching and lecturing at METU according to the Higher Education Law No 2547. This incumbent group, based on METU personnel department are Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors and Instructors/Lecturers (except those who are employed with the Law No 7100) are supposed to teach and lecture. The staff who does not fall in the category but teaches in an academic unit either part-time or at their own will (without any legal requirement of their work contract, those who are not incumbent by law such as Research/Teaching Assistants or Instructors/Lecturers-the ones employed with the Law No 7100) are not eligible to apply for this program; however, they are eligible to make an application  for the Erasmus+ Program of Staff Mobility for Training.


Applicants are expected to get in touch with their choice of HEI (from the attached list) and receive an acceptance letter or confirmation e-mail stating that the HEI is/will accepting them prior to the application deadline (30 October 2022) and upload the acceptance letter of confirmation e-mail to the application system.  

3. Application Procedure & Application Documents

Step 1: Check the attached Partner list eligible for Erasmus+ funding within this specific call and evaluate which university and country you prefer going for the mobility

Step 2: Obtain an Acceptance Letter or confirmation e-mail (either from the International Office or related academic department at the partner university). An acceptance letter is a pre-admission document/e-mail sent by an official from the partner university. You can find a draft for pre-admission letter for your use attached. The letter needs to be uploaded to the Online Application Platform until the application deadline.

Step 3: Fill the application form and upload your acceptance document. All applications, selections and placements will be carried out online and through the E-Devlet Career Gate platform initiated by the Turkish National Agency: 

Application documents should not be physically transmitted, but only uploaded to the relevant section of the Application Portal.

The application portal on the E-Devlet Career Gate platform will be available between 15-30 October, 2022. The application platform will be closed on 30.10.2022 at 23:59 and you will not be able to upload any documents or make any changes in your application after this time.

All applications will be evaluated by METU ICO according to fair and transparent selection criteria (please see Section 4 below) and the results will be announced at E-Devlet Career Gate platform as well as on

Important Remarks:


Applications from those candidates who have failed to upload a pre-admission letter of confirmation from an eligible partner will not be considered in the selection process.


It is possible to apply for more than one countries (3 preferences). But the applicants need to submit an acceptance letter or pre-admission e-mail for each of their preferences. If you have more than one acceptance letter, you can merge them as one pdf document and upload it in the order of your preferences.   

4. Selection Criteria


To find more information on the selection criteria used in the Erasmus+ KA107 STA applications, please see attached document.


5. Duration of the Activities


According to KA107 program rules, duration of teaching mobility ranges from 5 days to 2 months (max.) excluding travel time. In order to learn the maximum duration of the teaching activity that can be funded, please check the attached Partner list for this call.


In the list, “maximum week” column indicates the maximum number of weeks available for funding in the related country budget. For those countries in which the budget is available to support more than one week, it may be possible to allocate the whole budget to one teaching staff, if there is only one applicant. In case of having more than one application, the available budget will be shared among applicants according to program rules.


Please be aware that the partner list and the total budget for maximum weeks are subject to change. Total budget for maximum weeks may increase depending on the availability of budget that may become available through the length of other mobility types and applicants/participants’ withdrawals


The teaching activity has to be comprised of a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (5 days) and there must be a teaching activity for each day of the mobility. For teaching activities that will last more than one-week, minimum teaching hours will be calculated in proportion to the minimum requirement (e.g., 16 hours/2 weeks, 24 hours/3 weeks).


Important Remarks:


If the teaching activity/teaching hours last less than the minimum requirements, the Erasmus+ mobility will be considered as invalid by the funding body. In this case, the grant payment will not be made for the related activity.



The activity must be completed until 31 July 2023. It is not possible for the beneficiaries to conduct their mobility after 31 July 2023.


6. Erasmus+ Funding


6.1. Daily Grant Amounts

Daily Grant: 180 € per day for all countries (for mobility periods exceeding 14 days, daily grant is 126 €)


Daily grant is allowed for teaching days and travel days up to 2 days.


Even if the travel days exceed 2 days, it is not possible for beneficiaries to receive daily grants for more than 2 days of travel. In order to provide Erasmus+ funding for the travel days, the travel should take place outside of the teaching days.


6.2. Travel Amount by Distance

In addition to daily grants, participants will receive a travel support as well. The travel support is a fixed amount, independent of the price of plane tickets. The travel amount is calculated by using the “Distance Calculator” below:


The distance calculator is used to determine the distance between the location where the staff is residing and the place of activity. The kilometers in distance calculated by the distance calculator corresponds to the round-trip and the amount does not get multiplied by two.


Obtained “km” Value

Grant Amount (€)

10-99 km


100-499 km


500-1999 km


2000-2999 km


3000-3999 km


4000-7999 km


+8000 km


6.3. A Sample of Grant Calculation

A visit to Albania for 1 week (5 days of teaching & 2 days of travel):

Total grant = 180*5 (mobility days) + 180*2 (travel days) + 275 (travel support) = 1535 €.

Participants receive 70% of the total financial support at the beginning of their mobility period and the remaining 30% when the teaching programme is over.

7. Additional Grant for Disabled Participants

For disabled participants, it is possible to receive additional grants to meet their specific needs. In order for the disabled staff to be given additional grants, METU is required to request additional grants from the Turkish National Agency. Applications for additional grants should be made during the term of the contract, but in any case, up to 60 days before the contract end date. The Turkish National Agency will evaluate each application specifically and determine whether the additional grant can be granted, and if so, the appropriate grant amount. In order to learn more about the application forms, you may contact METU ICO.

8. Erasmus Staff Mobility without Grant (Zero-Grant)


It is possible to participate in Erasmus+ KA107 STA programme without getting any grant. Those staff members who would like to participate in the programme on a zero-grant basis need to submit an application to ICO under the current call and their applications will be evaluated along with all the others. Those participants with zero grant also have to fulfill the obligations of the program.


9. Contact

If you have any questions about the Program, you can contact METU International Cooperations Office (ICO): Mrs. Burcu Akpınar (Overseas Mobility Coordinator);; 210 7180