Announcement Date: 05.12.2024

Main List (Granted) and Waiting List

The main list and the waiting list for Erasmus+ KA131 Staff Mobility for Teaching application results can be found  below: 

Application Results (PDF)

The Results are also shared in the E-Devlet system (

The application results are NOT the final version. The list may be subject to change according to the evaluation of the objections received during the objection period).


Selection Criteria:

The evaluation criteria can be found here.

Based on the evaluation of the METU Personnel Directorate (PDB) and the decision of METU Exchange Programs Selection Committee, those staff “responsible for teaching” were defined as Dr. Faculty Member, Assoc. Dr., Prof. Dr., and Lecturer (excluding those employed under the law no. 7100). Therefore, since those working in an academic department part-time, at their own will and/or invitation of a unit as well as Research Assistants and/or Lecturers (those employed under the law no. 7100) cannot apply to the program since they are not defined as “responsible for teaching”.

- If candidates uploaded an acceptance letter/pre-acceptance document that does not meet the minimum requirements specified in the application announcement to the application system within the application dates, the relevant application was deemed invalid due to the submission of an "invalid acceptance document". 

- If candidates have checked the artificial intelligence and digital skills options regarding the content of their activities, as stated in the selection criteria document in the application announcement, an official document must be submitted during the application to provide points in the relevant categories. For this reason, candidates who did not submit a document in this direction (such as stating in their acceptance letters that the content of their activities will be in this direction) were not awarded the relevant additional points, even if they checked these options on their application forms. For those candidates who have obtained the digital skills and/or AI additional points, their mobilities are also expected to contain that component as well.

- The previous application status of the candidates was verified by checking their previous participation status with the ICO lists. In the Erasmus+ KA131 Staff Mobility for Teaching Applications, only the participation of the same activity type (Erasmus+ KA131) were taken into account, and the participations of the Erasmus+ KA171 activity were not included in the score evaluation.

-As stated in the selection criteria, for candidates with the same score, the number of previous participation was taken into account and priority was given to the candidate who were first time applicants; if the previous participation status was the same, priority was given to the candidate with a longer service period, taking into account the service period in years, months and days at METU.

- Applicants’ information on terms of office, the number of international projects, the number of Q1/Q2 publications and the latest diploma have been received from the relevant responsible departments and units of METU in November, 2024.


Required Procedures for Awarded Applicants:

Participants who are selected as Granted Participants (Asil Hibeli) and  would like to withdraw from the program should inform ICO until 20.12.2024 For those Granted Participants who inform ICO after the deadline, there will be 10 point deduction for their future application’s overall score.

The participants who are selected as Not Granted (Yedek Hibesiz) will not receive point deduction for their future application’s overall score. If a Granted Participant withdraws from the programme, the first participant in the waiting list will be a Granted Participant and will be notified by ICO. They will have 1 month to notify ICO if they would like to withdraw from the program. Otherwise, there will be 10 point deduction for their future application’s overall score.

10 points will be deducted from the granted participants for their next Erasmus applications (with European countries). Even though the participants do not conduct their mobility yet; 10 points will be decreased because of being selected and granted in this call.

The objections to the results can be made via e-mail (a written petition) to within one week from the date of the announcement (by 12.12.2023 at 16.00 at the latest).

The receiving organisation must be a Programme Country HEI awarded with an ECHE. Before the mobility takes place, both the academic department in METU and partner HEI must sign an interinstitutional agreement. You may visit the below website in order to find the list of current Erasmus+ agreements within the framework of Erasmus+ KA131 STA:

If applicants would like to visit a non-partner HEI, they may get in contact with the related institution in order to initiate an Erasmus+ interinstitutional agreement. The Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement must be finalized before the mobility takes place.

Duration of the Activities


The teaching activity can take place between 2 days and 3 days excluding travel time. In order to provide mobility opportunity for higher number of staff, the maximum duration of the mobility period for STA is limited to 3 days (excluding travel time) by METU Exchange Programs Commission. In all cases, a teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). If the teaching activity/teaching hours last less than 2 days/8 hours (minimum requirement), the activity is considered as void and the grant payment is not made for the related activity. 

While calculating the grant, a grant is provided for 2 days of travel in addition to a maximum of 5 days of activity. However, in order for the travel day grant to be paid, the travel day must not be included in the activity period.

The activity must be completed until the next application period, which is 15 September 2025.

It is not possible for the beneficiaries to conduct their mobility afterwards.


Erasmus+ Funding  


Daily Grant Amount



Daily Grant (Euro)

1. Group

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom


2. Group

Spain, Malta, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia


3. Group

Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia



Travel Amount by Distance


In addition to daily grants, participants will receive a travel support as well. The travel support is a fixed amount and paid once, independent of the price of plane tickets. The travel amount is calculated by using the “Distance Calculator” below:


The distance calculator is used to determine the distance between the location where the staff is residing and the place of activity. The kilometers in distance calculated by the distance calculator corresponds to the round-trip and the amount does not get multiplied by two.


Travel Distance

Standard Travel Grant (Euro)

Green Travel Grant (Euro)

10 -99



100 -499 KM



500 - 1999 KM



2000 - 2999 KM



3000 - 3999 KM



4000 - 7999 KM



8000 KM and more




*Green Travel

If the staff choose sustainable means of transport in both directions (e.g. rail, sea transport, car sharing with other Erasmus+ beneficiaries or using buses), the travel grant based on distance is considered as green travel. The grant amount is calculated according to the relevant section of the table. Whether travel can be considered as green travel is determined by the submission of the relevant travel documents to the International Cooperation Office and the evaluation of the Turkish National Agency.


Additional Grant for Disabled Participants

In addition to the standard grants received by disabled beneficiaries participating in the Erasmus+ Program, additional grants may be provided to assist with their special needs. In order for additional grants to be provided to disabled students and staff, the beneficiary higher education institution must request an additional grant from the Center.

Additional grant requests can be made during the contract period, but in any case, up to 60 days before the contract end date. The Center evaluates each application individually; it decides whether additional grants can be provided and, if so, the appropriate grant amount. Application forms are published on the Center's website,


Erasmus Staff Mobility without Grant (Zero-Grant)


Staff can participate in the activity without receiving a grant if they have the approval of the institution/unit manager. The difference with non-grant staff is that the staff is not included in the budget calculations and no payment is made to them. Not receiving a grant is not a reason for the staff not to be included in the selection process. In order to benefit from the activity without a grant, an application must be made and the application must be evaluated together with other applications.



Öğr. Gör. Işıl TİPİOĞLU BAŞ  (


* The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities a higher education institution may carry out within Erasmus+. The award of an ECHE is a pre-requisite for all higher education institutions located in a Programme country and willing to participate in learning mobility of individuals and/or cooperation for innovation and good practices under Erasmus+.