SRH University Heidelberg  is organizing an amazing SRH International Week 8.-13.October – same team, same format – as wonderful as in the past 12 years.

Please READ the attachment, check our website and watch our youtube Video


Would YOU like to participate/job shadow/meet and greet and network? Let us know and join us (Feel free to forward to your colleagues).

Would anyone from your university want to deliver a course? (Feel free to forward to your colleagues).

Would your STUDENTS be interested in getting a short term international mobility in Heidelberg? You can motivate/inform and select them later this year – please let us know if you would send more than 5.


If you want to come on staff mobility, we kindly ask you to apply for Eramus+ Funding to cover your costs.

If you want to come on teaching mobility, we will cover accommodation, lunches, public transport an 2 dinners – and YOU have to recruit 5+ students.


Everyone should register at the latest by 18 April:

Register here (will take you 2min) and  let us know by 18 April if you and your students would like to participate!


Looking forward to seeing you and your students in person soon.